Hace 3 meses

Iniciar Sesión, el Hombre Está en una Isla Aislada y Acaba de Construir una Villa de Lujo Él Solo
Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

A burst of bright light, the mainland shattered!

Everyone is allocated on an island two meters square!

Starting with a broken fishing net, how to survive depends on your ability!

“Dip, the sign-in system is activated!”

“Successfully signed in on the first day and got a fully automatic fishing net!”

“Others rely on ability, and I have a system!”

Xiao Yi took a bite of the grilled fish and muttered.

While others were still struggling on the four-square-meter island, a villa was built on Xiao Yi’s island and he was able to achieve fruit freedom!
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